Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Book Barrage #cblspromos Excerpt Interview and Give away for One good Man!

One Good Man
by Marie McGaha
New Adult Contemporary Romance
Categories: Action/Adventure, Comedy, BBW
Publisher: Dancing With Bear Publishing
Release Date: November, 24, 2012
Heat Level: Sweet
Length: 188 pages

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Allison Hamstead thought it was love. Finally, after all the years alone, someone loved her in spite of the fact she was fat! Not that her size had ever kept her from being successful, but it had kept her far from personal relationships. She’d heard all of the fat jokes ever told, all of the things people in her office said behind her back, and she didn’t miss not having a boyfriend, or dates, every weekend. Did she? But now she was in love and she couldn’t wait to introduce him to her best friend, Sarah. And what a mistake that had turned out to be! It wasn’t long before the love of her life and her best friend were living together, and Allison was humiliated.

Starting over is never easy, but Allison is determined to do just that and moves far from Chicago to the warm waters of Biloxi, Mississippi where she accepts a position at one of the floating casinos. For the first time in her life Allison feels like she’s truly at home. She loves her job, she loves her boss, who is like a father to her, and she loves being a part of all the excitement going on around her. Except for one little thing…

Her boss’s eldest son, Stephen is probably the most handsome, gorgeous, and sexy man she’s ever laid eyes on… and he knows it! And for some reason he acts interested in her. Then her mother comes to visit and winds up dating her boss. Her accounts start showing large amounts of money missing. And her ex shows up unannounced and says he wants her back. Can anything else possibly go wrong?


About the Author
Marie McGaha is an author, editor and publisher at Dancing With Bear Publishing, a Christian publishing company. While most of her time is spent editing manuscripts, she does try to find time for her passions. First, the love of the rest of her life, Nathan, whom she has been married to for almost thirteen years, and loves to spend time with riding motorcycles. They are both members of The Patriot Guard Riders. Second, Marie’s passion for shoes has filled several closets, so she decided to start her own shoe line, Girls Got Grit. She and Nathan also like to spend time spoiling grandchildren, traveling, and just being together. “Nathan is my best friend, and I am very blessed to have him as my husband too,” Marie says. And everyone who knows them says it’s quite obvious these two are living out their own romance novel.

Connect with Marie McGaha

As she lay back on her towel, a shadow fell across her. She opened one eye to see Stephen standing over her, grinning. “You’re blocking my sun,” she said and shut her eye.

“Mind if I join you?”

“Yes, I do mind.”


Turning toward him, she again opened one eye and frowned as she discovered he had removed his shirt and spread his towel beside her.

“There’s a lot of beach here you know, you could pick another spot.”

“Yeah, but I like this one.”

“You’re just trying to make me mad.”

“Now why would I do that?”

“Because you act like a twelve year old and teasing girls is what twelve year olds do.”

“Yeah, but my toys are much bigger and go a lot faster," he smirked.

She rolled her eyes and went back to sunning herself in silence. Stephen didn’t speak for a long time either, which she thought was a blessing and prob-ably too good to last very long. She was right.

“Have dinner with me.”


“Why not?”

“Because it’s fraternizing and your father doesn’t allow it.”

“Not true. We’re just two colleagues having dinner together. The fraternizing rule only applies between management and underlings. He’s afraid an employee would feel their position would be threatened if they refused a date with management.”

“Or perhaps he just didn’t want you dating the entire staff.”

He laughed. “That’s a possibility.”

“You’re shameless.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“I’m not having dinner with you.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Look, Stephen, you don’t have to do this." She sat up and looked at him squarely.

 “Do what?" He asked, almost managing to look innocent.

“All of this…” she waved one arm, “this flirting you seem to be doing with me. I’m not exactly your type.”

“What do you mean my type? That’s pretty judgmental and shallow of you.” He grinned at her again.

“And if anyone would know about shallow, it would be you, now wouldn’t it?” She said rather tersely. “Just stop it.”

“Allison…” he watched as she picked up her things and began making her way toward the casino. He blew out a breath and shook his head.

Interview Questions:

1.       Where did the idea come from for the book? 

I think it just came from being blasted by stick figures on TV and as the in books as being what women should look like. The truth is, the average weight of American women is 150 pounds, and I wanted a story with a real woman. Allison is a tad over 150 pounds, she’s a size 16, and while we may not think that is huge, that is a size that causes a lot of women to feel insecure, to be depressed, and to really not be happy with their body image.

2.       What genre does your book fall under? 

 Definitely sweet romance, but with a little adventure and fun thrown in.

3.       Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? 

 I don’t really know many actors because I don’t watch a lot of TV and when I do, it’s usually classics. The only woman I can think of is Brook Elliott from Drop Dead Diva, but as far as the hero, Stephen, who is the classic all American hunk, I don’t really know. Maybe some of your followers could give me some ideas!

My suggestion Marie would be Matthew McConaughey

4.       What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? 

Her: size 16. Him: hunk. Together: Not a chance!

5.       Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? 

This book is published with Dancing With Bear Publishing, which is my own publishing company that came about as a way to honor my late husband, Bear. It had been with another publisher, but it’s a very long story. I had about 21 or 22 books out with 9 different publishers, and then, some serious changes occurred and I asked for my contracts to be cancelled, and all but one publisher obliged.

6.       How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? 

First drafts never take very long once I get going. I can usually knock out a first draft in a week or two. It’s the polish that takes a long, long time!

7.       What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? 

I don’t think my books can be compared to any others. I was once asked about genres, and my answer was, “Genres? We don’t need no stinkin’ genres!” I don’t like to be held to a genre, not even within the same book!

8.       Who or What inspired you to write this book? 

I pretty much covered that in my first answer. I just think there is too much pressure put on women today to look a certain way, to act a certain way, and it’s like cookie-cutter people. None of them are realistic and causes a lot of depression in women who can’t achieve that look, and many succumb to bulimia and anorexia.

9.       What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? 

This book could be the life of anyone. Most romances are unreal, which is fine, I love those time traveling romances, but we all know we won’t fall into a fairy hole and wind up in 17th century Scotland to be rescued by a braw Scots lad! I wish I could, but I think people want to read something normal and realistic once in a while too.

Giveaway Info: 

Prize is 1 signed paperback copy of "One Good Man" 

from Marie McGaha.

Contest is tour-wide and ends June 12. 

Must be 18 years of age or older to enter. 

Link to Schedule: 


  1. Thank you for your time and the interview today. I really appreciate it!

  2. Great pleasure Marie, loved to have you here.


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