Monday, June 9, 2014

Guest Post by April Minger why she wrote her book Altars of the Heart.

What Inspired Me To Write My Book?

After doing the study on the altars in the bible and seeing the connection between them and the spiritual heart of man I was compelled to take my own journey of self-evaluation and self-discovery, and after allowing myself to go through the process I knew I had to share. I wanted to share what I had learned and what I was able to achieve in my own walk with the Lord.  I knew in that moment that I had to communicate what I had discovered and was now able to understand more clearly; if I wanted to experience a deeper relationship with God my heart was the key. 
I was inspired to write this book, because I felt a deep obligation to encourage people to commit to taking their own journey of self-evaluation. It was my sincere hope that after reading ‘Altars of the Heart’, readers would have an honest heart conversation within themselves that would lead them on their path to deeper worship. I wanted to admonish the reader to discover their own truth about the condition of their heart. And then begin the process of purging what keeps them captive so that they can emerge victorious, and cultivate what allows them to draw closer to God in order for them to experience the greater life waiting for them in God.
I wrote this book because I felt that I needed to have a way to communicate what I had discovered along my journey, which would not be subject to my own limitations in space and time. I needed to find a way for what I had learned to exceed me and somehow reach further than I could reach. I believed that what I had discovered was much more important than myself, and to keep it bound to only my abilities would mean I had mishandle what God had given to me. I wrote ‘Altars of the Heart’ because I felt it was one of the reasons I am here; it’s a part of my purpose.  

Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: Warrior For Christ Publishing (May 27, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0990339505
ISBN-13: 978-0990339502
Book Title: Altars of the Heart
Genre:  Christian Non-Fiction   

About The Author
April Minger was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio. After graduating from high school, April joined the United States Air Force. April works in the Insurance and Health Care fields, and also has a Master’s degree in Business, graduating with honors, and is a member of the Alpha Beta Kappa Chapter of The National Honor Society. She currently resides in Fort Drum, New York, where her husband serves on active duty as a member of the United States Army. April and her husband of eighteen years have two children.

About The Book

Do events from your past continue to play over and over in your mind? Do you feel like your relationship with God is not where it should be? Are you looking for a deeper worship experience?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I have some good news for you. The answer may seem far away, but it's actually much closer than you think.
Altars of the Heart will take you on a journey to rediscover who you are and give you authentic tools to help you connect back to walking hand-in-hand with God through deeper worship.
The knowledge and insight that you will gain from reading this book will take you to a life of newfound liberation from insecurities, fear, doubt, shame, and un-forgiveness.
You will be encouraged to do an internal "heart" examination, to re-evaluate how you interact with others, make choices and worship the Lord.
The Word of God specifically states in the book of Hosea 4:6, that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. I issue a challenge to you to open this book, and allow your life to experience freedom from bondage and finally discover your path to deeper worship.
Open this book, and let’s have a heart to heart conversation!

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Tour Hosted by Write Now Literary


  1. Thank you for hosting me today, and allowing me to share with your readers why I wrote Altars of the Heart.

    1. It was great to have you here, Wish you all the best. Blessings.


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